a few little words.

2007 June 01

Created by sam 16 years ago
so i talked with an old friend last night. he told me something i never knew... one or two days after arriving in arkansas in the summer of 1999, mark went down to the fayetteville home depot. he struck up a conversation with an employee (said old friend). in the conversation, mark threw out that he had a u-haul truck for an extra few days, and did he know anyone who would need to use it? as it turns out, home depot guy was moving the next day, and was going to make multiple trips with his pickup truck. so mark loaned him the u-haul. and wouldn't accept any payment. who knows. this exchange may have influenced his decision to take a job at the home depot. if so, i must thank god. for a few little words. said when i wasn't even around. words that changed my life.
